Returns & Refunds Policy

Digital items (ebooks, audiobooks, etc.) cannot be returned or refunded. As these are real-time downloads, no refund can be given, in general. All digital items are delivered via BookFunnel. If you are having an issue with downloading your book please contact Bookfunnel for tech support. Those folks are great and can help you with most download situations.
Writerlayne will provide a refund only if you buy a duplicate digital item within 48 hours of first purchase of the same item and if you notify us of this situation at with 7 days of your duplicate purchase, in which case the duplicate item will be refunded.
Orders for physical copies of signed books can be cancelled if the item(s) has not been shipped yet. After that they can only be returned or refunded if there is an issue with the order (wrong book, damage items). WriterLayne, LLC is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items once shipped. If provided with photographic proof of a damaged or incorrect item, writerlayne will be happy to provide a replacement order with free shipping or a refund if you notify us within 30 days of your order’s shipment date.
Physical items such as merchandise (t-shirts, mugs, etc.) cannot be returned or refunded. This is because each piece of merchandise is hand printed by our printer in North Carolina only after it is ordered.
HOWEVER, if you are unhappy in any way with any of your purchases from WriterLayne, LLC, please contact us at, and we will do our best to make things right with you. Seriously, email us. We want happy customers!